Thursday, October 11, 2007

This Week in Congress Wasting Tax Payer Money

"A House committee rejected warnings from the Bush administration yesterday and approved a resolution condemning Turkey for committing genocide against Armenians during World War I, an act the White House said could jeopardize military operations in the Middle East."

"Mr. Bush spoke in a hastily arranged statement to reporters. 'We all deeply regret the tragic suffering of the Armenian people that began in 1915," he said. But 'this resolution is not the right response to these historic mass killings.'"

Armenia; Turkey; 1915; genocide. That sounds like it would make for a stirring debate in.... Armenia ... or .... Turkey ... in ... ohhh .... 1916. Even history class.

Why do our elected representatives spend time in 2007 debating a resolution condemning the genocide of Armenians at the hands of the Turks in 1915? I can see if maybe there was nothing going on in the US Capitol. Its a slow day; why not condemn genocide. Kinda makes sense. Makes it seem like we are doing something; kinda like that confused/pensive face that is made at work when the boss walks by. I'm thinking so hard I must be working. You cant think this hard and not be working.

The Federal government has slowly usurped all power from the states and sucked the life out of federalism and yet they still want more to do. What a bunch of over-achievers!

I think that Representative Hoyer from the glorious state of Maryland says it all:

"House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer, Maryland Democrat, said the resolution 'was about another government at another time, and should not be perceived ... as a reflection on the present government, the Turkish people or their present posture.'"


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