Thursday, October 18, 2007

I'd like to bone, but my mom cant drive me to your house.

"PORTLAND, Maine -- Pupils at a city middle school will be able to get birth control pills and patches at their student health center after the local school board approved the proposal Wednesday evening."

"The plan, offered by city health officials, makes King Middle School the first middle school in Maine to make a full range of contraception available to students in grades 6 through 8, according to the state Department of Health and Human Services. "

"Condoms have been available since 2002 to King students who have parental permission to be treated at its student health center."

I remember the kids who went to the nurse's office during my tenure in middle school and we used to laugh at them because the remedy for every affliction was to lie down on a cot and place a bright, yellow sponge on the forehead. You have lupus? Just lie down and place this damp, yellow sponge on your forehead. At the extreme was the hyperactive kid who went to the nurse after lunch time for some tranquilizer to keep him from driving the teacher crazy. Now while being treated for a tummy ache, you can get Delores to hook you up with some rubbers for that wild weekend of sex on your racecar bed. If you use the condoms while at school can you go back for a pack of cigarettes?

Also, what does parental permission mean in this context? Do students need permission to see the nurse and once there they can inquire about condoms or is parental permission needed before nurses can give out condoms? i cant imagine its the latter because I cant imagine a parent agreeing to that service.

I guess if kids are having sex then its best to make sure they will do so in a safe manner. It also makes sense to promote healthy habits while children are young. But it begs the question is there nothing that can be done about this phenomenon? Do parents have to accept the reality that their 11 year old will be having sex? Can parents exercise some authority and also teach their kids healthy habits? Can schools teach sex education without inciting a Kids Incorporated orgy?!!

Damn you Zach and Cody!!

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