Thursday, October 4, 2007


I am not a Rudy Giuliani hater; in fact, I like a lot of what he says. But this snippet from an inteview with Larry Kudlow that I've borrowed from is funny:

While elaborating on a response to Kudlow's question about taxess, Giuliani begins to argue in favor of expanded nuclear energy.

"GIULIANI: Nuclear power is dangerous, so is every other form of power, but nobody's died from nuclear power."

I like the idea of expanded nuclear energy too, but this statement is a little ridiculous considering what most people understand about the conclusion of World War II and Chernobyl.

I guess he could argue that he was speaking specifically about using nuclear fuel to generate energy for powering everything but bombs. But it could also be argued that nuclear power -- whatever one means by power-- is what produces an atomic explosion, which is, after all, nothing more than the same nuclear reaction used to produce energy but allowed to reach a supercritical state.

Even if after going cross-eyed from that argument, we concede that he was speaking strictly of using nuclear fuel to produce energy that will be used to power things and not destroy people, I believe that people were killed in the explosion that occured at Chernobyl and many more as a side effect of the radiation.

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