Monday, September 24, 2007

What's up shorty?

"The prostitution trade, long centered downtown, has increased in recent years in several neighborhoods across the city, police and residents said. Prostitutes often meet johns on street corners, at bus stops or outside convenience stores and fast-food restaurants. Then they head out to have sex in nearby alleys and parks or on quiet streets -- sometimes even back yards."

"If you're out there and prostituting, you are going to jail," Contee said during a recent weekend sting. "If you're a john and you're coming here for sex, you're going to jail. That's the bottom line."

"If you're out there and prostituting, you are going to jail," warns Robert Contee, a police officer in charge of the 6th District in DC; a warning that, I am certain, will successfully put an end to prostitution in the District and serve as a model for other districts suffering from similar ills. The sarcasm is pretty thick because it should be.

Human beings love sex: seems to make perfect sense too considering the difficulty we would have existing for very long without it. We are also extremely hedonistic: take drugs, alcohol, McDonalds or any other indulgence in which we regularly partake for no other reason than because we can and because it feels good.

Government has not made selling a hamburger illegal; it has not made producing or selling alcohol illegal. It has, however, put restrictions on these activities. Burger King must meet certain conditions with their products and restaurants; Anheuser Busch can produce alcoholic beverages with impunity if its products and processes follow certain guidelines.

Prohibition of alcohol didn’t work and neither would prohibition of happy meals: sorry California, but good luck trying to stand in the way of a Big Mac and an American's mouth. Consequently, why do we need a prohibition of drugs and the selling of sex? Regulation seems to work pretty well with alcohol and hamburgers. Wouldn’t this seem to indicate that it might work pretty well with drugs and sex; especially considering that prohibition has been so ineffective.

PS. Shouldn't Pro-Choice advocacy groups defend prostitution? After all, prositution involves a woman's right to choose what to do with her body.


Anonymous said...

PPS - yeah, and the NRA should support prostituion too...they are all for protecting constitutional rights, despite the consequence... why not support a persons right do whatever they want in "private"???

Michael said...

If a woman has the right to determine what she does with her body, then she should be able to sell her body for money, right?

The main argument supporting a woman's right to choose whether or not to terminate her pregnancy is that the government has no place telling a woman what to do with her body; an abortion is a personal decision with her doctor. Selling one's body for money, in turn, should be a decision made by the woman, not the government.

when will NARAL step up and defend its sisters in arms?

Anonymous said...

if she wants to, sure, the main argument for prostitution is not to protect the prostitute (and other who participate) from disease and violence, not to protect her from her choices.

no one has decided that the right to prostitution is protected under the right to privacy have they?

If they do then I'm sure plenty of organizations will support it.

Anonymous said...

take away the first not. i suck at a typing.

Anonymous said...

Hungary has issued permits for prostitution in hopes to raise government revenues. Maybe the US could start paying down its deficit the same way.