Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Is nuclear energy not scary anymore?

"Power producer NRG Energy Inc. will submit the first application for a new nuclear reactor in the U.S. in nearly 30 years, the company's chief executive said Monday."

"Nuclear regulators expect Tuesday morning to receive NRG's application for two new units at its facility in Bay City,Texas, about 90 miles southwest of Houston. It will be the first complete construction and operating license submission the government has processed since before the Three Mile Island accident in Pennsylvania in 1979."


"The average cost of nuclear-produced electricity was 1.72 cents per kilowatt hour in 2006, compared with 2.37 cents for coal-fired plants and 6.75 cents for natural gas plants, according to the Nuclear Energy Institute, a trade group."

This is a hopeful sign for the future of nuclear energy in the US. Now if we could only get over our fear of reprocessing the spent fuel, we may save a polar bear or two.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that people aren't watching The Simpsons anymore?